(Think screeching violins if you don’t know who he is).
I love everything Hitchcock. Someday, maybe, I’ll post up a top ten list or something. We have a few box sets of some of his super old stuff and my mom keeps saying “if you were a true Hitchcock fan you’d be watching some of these…” and I realized: she was right.
So I took the plunge. I watched a bunch of Hitchcocks over the weekend. I’m nowhere near finished but I made a good dent. Of his old British ones I watched these:
2+2=4. Heavy Irish accents+horrible sound=necessity for subtitles. (Which were absent). Moral of the story? This film should be reserved for Hitchcock students only. I had a really hard time following and it wouldn’t have been worth my time were it not for fulfilling my OCD requirement of watching and paying attention to all Hitchcocks. So I watched. Sara Algood plays Juno, a struggling housewife with a drunkard for a husband (Edward Chapman, “The Paycock”) during the Irish revolution. I tuned out during quite a bit of it… ha. But I read a synopsis afterwards and really the plot isn’t as boring as I thought. It’s unfortunate that this adaptation of Sean O’Casey’s play is so… old. It’s one of the first talkies, yo. But it was interesting. And now I can say I watched it. Yes!

You’re probably wondering why I even write this junk up, right? I would wonder too. It’s for myself. Why publish it on the internet? Because on the internet there is always the off chance that someone will, you know, read it which forces me to edit, and learn more about what I’m writing. So yes. You don’t have to read my lame movie reviews. I like to keep track of the movies that I watch, and this is the best way.