Basically the same thing as above. I’m a hard core Cary Grant fan since birth, but I’ve never seen this one.
25. L.A. Confidential (1997)
Kevin Spacey. Russell Crowe. Guy Pearce. David Straithairn. Why haven’t I seen this yet?
24. The Big Lebowski (1998)
I really haven’t seen that many Jeff Bridges movies to be honest (and embarrass myself further) so I’m not sure why I’m choosing this one as the “one to see” but I’ve always had this off-hand interest in “The Dude.”
23. Shadowlands (1993)
Despite my love for C.S. Lewis and Anthony Hopkins…
22. Waiting for Guffman (1996)
Oh have I heard so much about this movie. It’s Christopher Guest, after all, that can mean nothing but good. It’s my kind of movie, and seems like my kind of humor. I can’t wait to see it one of these days.
21. Capote (2005)
I’ve been dying to see this movie ever since it was released. We even rented it, but for some reason I wasn’t able to watch, so my mom saw it by herself. She raves about it, and I’m still dying to see it.
20. Twelve O’Clock High (1949)
Gregory Peck, how I love you. I can’t believe I haven’t seen this movie of yours.
19. Spirited Away (2001)
I remember watching the Oscars when Spirited Away won Best Animated feature. I thought, (being eleven) what the heck IS that? Since then, I’ve heard nothing but critical acclaim and I am now very anxious to cross this off my list.
18. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Best Actor win (classic film fans will hate me for saying that, ha) plus Director, Picture, and Screenplay wins… I should probably see this movie one of these days. It’s a favorite of my parents.
17. The Hustler (1961)
Ever since I saw Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for the first time I’ve been in love with Paul Newman. I’m pretty far behind on his filmography and this is the first on my list to see. Plus I dig the poster.
16. The Great Dictator (1940)
I grew up with Charlie Chaplin, and Modern Times is one of my all-time favs. I’ve yet to see this classic, though.
15. The Deer Hunter (1948)
These are getting kind of repetetive aren’t they? Christopher Walken’s Oscar winning performance, Meryl Streep’s first nomination and Best Picture winner deserves (more likely than not) SEVERAL viewings, and I haven’t even seen it once? WTF?
14. The African Queen (1951)
My mom has raved about this movie, and I love me some Bogart. Since its recent DVD release, hopefully I can check it off soon.
13. Schindler’s List (1993)
Yeah… like I said. Don’t shoot me. I know this is an excellent movie, I’ve seen several scenes, in fact. I know I should see this pronto.

12. Dr. Strangelove (1964)
Honestly, I may have heard of this movie ages ago but I didn’t REALLY know about it until just a few years ago. My interest piqued when I went through my Stanley Kubrick obsession phase and read absolutely anything I could get my hands on about him.
11. Out of Africa (1985)
Meryl Streep. Robert Redford. In the same movie. I promise, I’ve seen SOME movies.
10. Annie Hall (1977)
The ultimate Woody Allen. Ranked #4 in AFI’s 100 Laughs series. Won the Oscar for Best Picture, Director, Actress, and Screenplay. This is a bad caption.
9. Sophie’s Choice (1982)
In case I haven’t made this clear, Meryl Streep is my favorite modern actress. Someday I’ll do a post especially for her because I just love her so (and I’m still pulling for another Oscar!) Sophie’s Choice won Meryl her Best Actress Academy Award and is, perhaps, her best film to date. Or so I’m told.
8. Die Hard (1988)
Seriously? I haven’t seen DIE HARD? Yeah, I know. I suck. I lurve Alan Rickman too, so it’s really a shame I haven’t seen it.
7. The Graduate (1967)
“Mrs. Robinson you’re trying to seduce me… aren’t you?” Basically I already love this movie. And I knoow I love Dustin Hoffman. But, all I really know of it is Anne Bancroft’s sexy legs.
6. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
Jack Nicholson in a mental institution? 1 of 3 movies to take home the big five Oscars? Man, I gotta get me some of this action.
5. Edward Scissorhands (1990)
One of Johnny Depp’s billions with Tim Burton. Yeah, I can’t believe I haven’t seen this one either. It’s totally my kind of movie.
4. The French Connection (1971)
The most famous chase scene of all-time. One of my favorite actors, Gene Hackman. Best Picture, Director, Screenplay, and Actor winner. I cannot describe the anticipation I have to one day see this movie.
3. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Another Hopkins. And (like Cuckoo) 1 of 3 to win the big five Oscars. (In case you’re wondering, the other is It Happened One Night. I’ve seen that one!)
2. Citizen Kane (1941)
Wow, this is really getting embarrassing now. I’m pretty sure I’ve previously lied to people about this one. See, my family and I were going through the AFI 100 movies list and we just… didn’t make it that high! I’ve sort of had this two year hiatus of serious movie-watching through this whole Tahiti excursion, and seeing as I don’t have as much access to what I want, this one has had to wait.
1. The Godfather (1971)
It’s a sin, I know, not to have seen this movie. Forgive me. I want nothing more than to repent, and quickly.
Yeah. I know I suck. There are many more great movies I haven’t seen (I won’t name them, however, or NO ONE will read this blog!) but these are just the ones that I, personally, can’t believe I haven’t seen. Now go ahead. You may mock me all you want.
2014 EDIT: I have since seen... most of these. All that remain:
-L.A. Confidential
-Twelve O'Clock High
-Spirited Away
-The Great Dictator
-The Deer Hunter
-The French Connection
Not bad, eh?