“…It’s too close for comfort ahhhh put on your break lights, you’re in the city of wonder… “
What, this isn’t the Rihanna song? Oh.
What, this isn’t the Rihanna song? Oh.
An ornery troubled teen (Shia LaBoeuf) on house arrest gets a little bit bored, turns into the nosey neighbor, goes all lewd/perverted over the new girl with the hot bod and the pool, and suspects someone to be a serial killer. All in a day of boredom and people-watching.
This story is loosely based off of one of my all-time favorite Hitchcock’s: Rear Window. I never realized just how perverted that show was until now…. but no. It’s Jimmy Stewart. And Grace Kelly was not such a deadbeat bikini chick. Hitchcock was so crazy, how could you possibly make a movie that intense without the camera ever leaving one room…? Oh wait, was this review about that Shia LaBoeuf movie? Shoot, I’d much rather talk about Jimmy Stewart.
LaBeef isn’t such a bad actor. I love him in Holes. Lately I’ve just been disappointed in the films he’s been in. Transformers? Eagle Eye? Oh jeez. Anyway, he ain’t bad in this either. A little annoying, but I attribute that more to the script than the acting. Basically it’s a lot of teenage puppy dog CRAP, with a little suspense thrown in there. The amazing thing about Rear Window is its ability to allude to the obvious temptation Jimmy Stewart has of staring at the half-naked girl across the way without being overbearing. In Disturbia: Here’s the girl doing yoga. Ooh, here’s here walking slo-mo into the pool, oh NOW she’s tossing her hair back, and how cute – she’s reading a book on her roof while sunbathing in booty shorts. It didn’t make it much better that I watched this with a group of immature guys who were loving all the skin they could get. I’m not a boy. I don’t care.
The two adults in the movie were decent, David Morse and Carrie-Anne Moss. The girl (Sarah Roemer) sucked. A Megan Fox wannabe, and I don’t even like Megan Fox. LaBeef’s friend (Aaron Yoo) was pretty funny though. There were some enjoyable things too, (twinkie towers?) and LaBeef’s restraining anklet made for an interesting turn. It IS a pretty okay-crafted thriller for a teen movie, I’ll give that to D.J. Caruso. It did get pretty intense late in the climax, I’ll admit that as well. But it wasn’t enough to convince me to enjoy this ridiculously cliché, terribly written, knock off of a classic. 3/10