I was asked by Marc from the awesome blog Go, See, Talk! to participate in this awesome blogathon: Films That Defined Us. Man, these are the best things to think about. Everyone remembers the movies that touched us as kids, movies that we could watch all day long on a Saturday, movies that we’ll always consider special. My list plays directly off the word define. I tried to choose movies that I not only enjoyed but movies that shaped the person I am today – or influenced future movie viewing habits.
8 genres, 8 movies. Ready, set, go!
8. Drama: Apollo 13 (1995)This is one of the first “adult” movies I remember watching and I thought I was soooo cool to get to see it (I was probably 6 or 7…) Being already fascinated with space travel (thanks to Star Wars) this raised it a whole ‘nother level – this baby actually happened, it’s history. Still a favorite movie and a must-see – annnd I still think it should have won Best Picture… (sorry Braveheart).
7. Musical: Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967)
I grew up watching and loving musicals but this was my favorite. Somewhere between tapping the Tapioca and quirky, kidnappin’, Chinese women I became obsessed with this nonsense. Today, while it’s since been replaced by West Side Story as my fav, I still know every lyric, I still love Mary Tyler Moore and John Gavin, and it still makes me want to dance. I would cite it as the biggest influence in my musical-loving life.
I grew up watching and loving musicals but this was my favorite. Somewhere between tapping the Tapioca and quirky, kidnappin’, Chinese women I became obsessed with this nonsense. Today, while it’s since been replaced by West Side Story as my fav, I still know every lyric, I still love Mary Tyler Moore and John Gavin, and it still makes me want to dance. I would cite it as the biggest influence in my musical-loving life.
6. Animation: Mulan (1998)
I dare say that this movie “defines” me more than just about any other movie because I used to pretend to beMulan. It also inspired the martial arts side in me to come alive. I now have a black belt and that passion began sometime while watching this Disney chick kick Hun-trash. In the animation genre, I’d have to say that there are many that surpass (yeah, Pixar happened), but it’s still a lot of fun.
I dare say that this movie “defines” me more than just about any other movie because I used to pretend to beMulan. It also inspired the martial arts side in me to come alive. I now have a black belt and that passion began sometime while watching this Disney chick kick Hun-trash. In the animation genre, I’d have to say that there are many that surpass (yeah, Pixar happened), but it’s still a lot of fun.
5. Thriller. Kind of: Rear Window (1954)
And so begins my Hitchcock obsession. And a love for Jimmy Stewart. I can’t even remember how old I was when I first saw it but it always stuck with me (and made me never want to watch Perry Mason…)
And so begins my Hitchcock obsession. And a love for Jimmy Stewart. I can’t even remember how old I was when I first saw it but it always stuck with me (and made me never want to watch Perry Mason…)
4. Adventure/Comedy/Romance/Everything: The Princess Bride (1987)
Man, what genre does this film fall under anyway? It’s got “fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles…” Anywho, this is where I learned to quote movies. “Anybody want a peanut?” and “Have fun storming the castle!” I used on a daily basis. It also gave birth to an undying admiration for sword fighting. Whatever genre it may fall under, it’s made for every kid, teen, and adult.
Man, what genre does this film fall under anyway? It’s got “fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles…” Anywho, this is where I learned to quote movies. “Anybody want a peanut?” and “Have fun storming the castle!” I used on a daily basis. It also gave birth to an undying admiration for sword fighting. Whatever genre it may fall under, it’s made for every kid, teen, and adult.
3. Sports: Hoosiers (1986)
Favorite sports movie of all time. Bball is also my favorite sport and every time I watched this, I’d want to get out and play. So you could say it helped improve my ballin’ skills. Basketball is still very important to me. As for its genre, it’s simply the best out there.
Favorite sports movie of all time. Bball is also my favorite sport and every time I watched this, I’d want to get out and play. So you could say it helped improve my ballin’ skills. Basketball is still very important to me. As for its genre, it’s simply the best out there.
2. Classic: On the Waterfront (1954)
This one came later on (as in just a few years ago), but has nonetheless made its mark on my life. This is where I really got the whole classic-movie-gig. Though I already wanted to marry Cary Grant, this movie made me want to watch absolutely anything made before 1960. It has defined me by helping me discover the thrill of classics.
This one came later on (as in just a few years ago), but has nonetheless made its mark on my life. This is where I really got the whole classic-movie-gig. Though I already wanted to marry Cary Grant, this movie made me want to watch absolutely anything made before 1960. It has defined me by helping me discover the thrill of classics.
1: Sci-fi/Adventure: Star Wars (A New Hope) (1977)
There it is. The king. I must have watched the original trilogy of SW over 100 times in my childhood. I used to pretend to fight with lightsabers and play with my brother’s toy Millenium Falcon. I had no idea a movie could be so wonderful and thought there was nothing parallel. My perfect movie.
There it is. The king. I must have watched the original trilogy of SW over 100 times in my childhood. I used to pretend to fight with lightsabers and play with my brother’s toy Millenium Falcon. I had no idea a movie could be so wonderful and thought there was nothing parallel. My perfect movie.